Oh Closet, Oh Closet

By Nancy Kaller on Feb 17, 2022 at 12:21 AM in Articles
Oh Closet, Oh Closet

Oh, closet, how I wish there was more space for my things. Unfortunately, a wiggle of the nose won’t make your closet bigger, however, here are a few things you can do to help to maximize your space.

Let’s start with purging the clothes you no longer wear or haven’t worn, or those that don’t fit. We know that keeping those smaller sizes inspires us to lose weight and purging them can be difficult, so you have a choice to make; either purge them or store them.  If you chose to store them, bag them up in a shrink-pack or vacuum storage bag, something that is an airtight closure so no dust, dirt, or mold can contaminate them.  If you are purging them, bag them up and give them to a local charity, a friend, a church, or have a garage sale. 

After you’ve purged your clothes, you should have an excess number of hangers that are now hanging out in your closet taking up a huge amount of space. Store your excess hangers and keep just a handful available for use. We’ve looked at a few reviews on these “space saver” types of hanging systems and haven’t been convinced to switch to them, therefore, if this is an avenue you are interested in, be sure you get a strong metal and read the reviews before buying.

Time to organize your closet. We have concluded that organizing your clothes in their styles works best. For example, storing your sweaters together, your pants together, your shirts, your skirts together, your dresses together, etc. This way, you find what you are looking for especially when you are in a hurry.  

You can also add a storage rod for those shorter clothes and add some hooks for purses, belts, ties, scarves, and other accessories. This keeps everything accessible, and visible so you won’t forget you have them.
If you’ve got shelves already then add baskets or cubbies for storing jewelry, hair accessories, pajamas, or even your shoes. The storages boxes keep everything in their spot so you don’t have your items falling off. If you don’t have shelves, consider adding them, and consider using the corners of your closet with either a corner shelf or a hanging rod or hooks.

If you’ve got floor space, we suggest hanging your shorter pieces of clothing at one end of the closet so that the floor space below can be used for either a dresser, a shoe rack, or even cubbies. One thing we have found convenient is to face your shoes in the opposite direction so they fit easier. You can also use the floor space to store your unseasonal items in airtight bags.

For your heavier and bulky coats, consider using a coat rack, or hang them on hooks, or a door rack. Your coats take up a lot of room in the closet, so it’s best to find another spot for them.  Speaking of a door rack, these are great to use for scarves, purses, hats, and just about anything that hangs. 

You’ve got a bunch of options for organizing your closet, and we hope our suggestions help you create and love your new space.  

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